Tuesday, September 6, 2016

30 Day Post Settlement Follow Up!

So I just checked the countdown on our blog, and we've been in our home for 42 days now!! 42!!!!!

It seems like it's been a week.  Seriously.  Time is flying.

We've been able to get a couple of fun projects done around the house and I'll be posting those another day.  Today I wanted to update y'all on our 30 day post settlement follow up.

Basically, when we closed we were given a carbon-copy form to fill out with anything that we wanted to be looked at for our 30 day inspection.  I left this paper sitting on our cluttered kitchen island so that any time we had something to bring up, we could write it down.

I filled it up pretty quickly, but it was really nothing major.  Around 2 weeks in, our PM stopped by and asked for the paper so he could start scheduling guys to come out to work on whatever we need fixed or looked at.  From the time he scheduled them until they actually came out, I just emailed the PM with other issues that we had so that they could be addressed.

On Friday, August 26th our PM was scheduled to come out for our 30 day stuff.  He came with a plumber and a handy-man kind of guy to knock out the stuff on our list.

What exactly was on our list?? Let me tell you:

  1. Water Pressure-- the water pressure in our master shower isn't all that great.  I think hubby noticed it more than I did at first. PM said he'd have this looked at.  He mentioned that a lot of the times it could be something as small as a grain of sand, as the hole the water comes through is super small. So he'd have the plumber check it out and clean it out if needed.
  2. Door sticking in the laundry room.  It's the only door in the house that does it... but it sticks upon opening and closing and we really have to force it opened.
  3. Deck post-- our deck is SUPER high.  There's already some settling, especially around one post in particular.  PM assured me that the posts are cemented in, but he'd check it out.  He also mentioned that settling issues in the yard are better dealt with closer to the year-mark, as they only fix settlement issues once... So I pretty much didn't expect anything to be done with this.
  4. Metal Stakes at the Walk-out.  The metal stakes and wooden framing weren't removed when they poured the 3x3 concrete slab.  Hubby actually scraped his foot on one of them while doing yard work.  They definitely need to be removed.
  5. Grout in Master Bath.  There's a couple spots in the master bath where the grout wasn't applied properly.  Little air holes, or even a spot or two where the grout looked like it was separating.  We also have several spots where the grout always looks wet.  Even when drying it for 4 days to seal it, it appeared darker than the majority of the grout.
  6. Hot water in Hall Bath.  The hall bath has nothing but scalding HOT water.  Kind of funny if you remember that we had issues when we first moved in with NO hot water.  But, we are trying to use the hall bath as well as the master bath just to make sure everything is working properly.  Well, it's unbearable to even shower in the hall bath because it's so stinkin hot.
  7. Cold Water Knob on Master Tub.  It pulls right off.  Like, doesn't stay on.  PM said it should be a simple fix with an Allen wrench to tighten it up.
  8. Garage Outlet.  When we painted the garage, we had to move the deep freezer and such.  This meant unplugging it.  Well, after we unplugged the freezer and then went to plug it back in, the plug wouldn't fit.  
  9. Loft window.  We had an issue with this window when we first moved in.  It's the round window in the loft.  The first time, it was cracked and needed replaced.  Well, the replacement happened.  The seal or something is bad on this new window though.  You can see condensation between the two panes after it rains, and it's also leaking.
  10. Master Shower Door Sticking.  It is super hard to open and close the shower door.  I know the magnet is super strong, but it doesn't seem like it should be this hard to open and close that door.
  11. Delay on Switched Outlets and Fan Rough-Ins.  When we use the switched outlets as well as the ceiling fans, there's always a delay between the turning on of the light and the light actually turning on.
  12. Morning Room Outlets Not Working-- The switched light works, but none of the outlets do.  This also extends into the kitchen and the outlets that run alongside the morning room, which is basically all of the kitchen outlets that we regularly use.  They WERE working when we first moved in but aren't working now.
  13. Window latches are a PAIN to latch and un-latch.  When we had our pre-settlement walk through, our PM made it look SUPER easy to un-latch the windows to open them inward to clean them.  Well, I must be incredibly weak because I can't get half of them to work.
  14. Locks on small window in bedroom #2 don't work.  We can't get this window to latch closed.  I noticed it one night when I saw a gigantic spider outside the window.  I had to triple check to make sure the spider couldn't get in the house.  Well, if she wanted to she could because that window didn't latch.
  15. Electrical Outlet on Guardian Box isn't connected.  This is creating problems for us as Guardian had to connect their power supply on one of our regular basement outlets.  Their power supply is huge and ugly and is taking up valuable outlet space.

Whew!  So that's it.  It's nothing MAJOR but it all needs addressed.  On August 26th, they all came out to work on getting things fixed for us.  And here's how that went:

  1. Water Pressure-- the water pressure in our master shower isn't all that great. The plumber fixed this.  Not sure what he found, but the water pressure is uh-may-zing now.  So, y'all all read this:  hubby was right.
  2. Door sticking in the laundry room.  Easy fix.  The handyman adjusted the hinges on the door and it opens and closes with ease now.
  3. Deck post-- The handyman filled the settling post hole with more dirt!  I was surprised they did it for us after the schpeal about settlement issues only being resolved once.
  4. Metal Stakes at the Walk-out.  Handyman took the stakes and the wooden frames off of the slab.  Now no one can get hurt. Yay!
  5. Grout in Master Bath.  Handyman filled the holes that I had seen.  He also tried out a section of the grout that looked "wet" by putting some new grout on top of it.  It held the color of the rest of the grout, so he needs to come back to fill in the rest of the grout that is off-colored.
  6. Hot water in Hall Bath.  This was an "easy" fix too.  If you're a plumber.  Apparently there's something that be adjusted behind the shower knob.  So he just had to adjust that and, voila!  We now have hot and cold water!!!
  7. Cold Water Knob on Master Tub.  This one was fun.  Plumber guy is working on it and I'm walking the house with our PM going over other things on the list.  All of the sudden we hear a "TURN OFF THE MAIN WATER!! TURN OFF THE MAIN WATER!!"  I run into the master bath and there is a swimming pool in my bathroom! Water shooting everywhere and water all over the floor, all over the plumber and just ugh!  Main water was shut off and he worked on the knob.  I guess when it was installed it was installed either too long or too short, I'm not sure which.  So, the plumber has to order a kit to make the necessary adjustments to get that knob back on.  
  8. Garage Outlet.  This one is user error.  The outlet in question is our GFI outlet in the garage.  Apparently when you put the plug into the outlet you have to go STRAIGHT in.  Not at an angle.  
  9. Loft window.  We had a guy come out to assess the window and he said it needed to be replaced again {um, duh}. So as of now, they've supposedly ordered the window and talked with the window company and they should be in touch with me to replace the window. Again.
  10. Master Shower Door Sticking.  When doing the walk through to go through stuff, they looked at the door and made the assessment that the shower door company needed to come out and adjust the door.  It definitely shouldn't be sticking like it is.
  11. Delay on Switched Outlets and Fan Rough-Ins. Because the delay seems to be more so in JUST the fans and not the outlet switches, it's probably something with the way the fans were installed, or the brand of fans, yada yada yada.  This isn't a HUGE issue, just a slight annoyance as they don't automatically switch on when you flip the switch.
  12. Morning Room Outlets Not Working-- Still not answer to this.  PM tried getting an electrician out on the day everyone else was out, but no one was available.  He then called the Ryan line to make an appointment and put a service ticket in for someone to come out.  Well.  No one has contacted me yet about this.  So we sit with no working outlets in the morning room, but more annoyingly, no working outlets on the kitchen outlets that run alongside the morning room.  And those are the outlets we use the most.
  13. Window latches are a PAIN to latch and un-latch.  This could be because little pieces of dirt and such get into the latches and cause them to be harder to open.  The handyman went around and checked all of them, replaced one, and then worked on all the others and we can now get them all open a heck of a lot easier than we could before he worked on them.  I think he "shaved" them down some so they'd latch and unlatch a bit easier.
  14. Locks on small window in bedroom #2 don't work.  User error again.  There's a small lip on each window that should attach easily to the window.  This particular window just wasn't aligned properly.  So it was just a little big of fenagle-ing and it's better now.  And even better news?  The spider never had a chance to get inside, haha!  It was seriously a gigantic spider!
  15. Electrical Outlet on Guardian Box isn't connected.  Not fixed yet.  This is part of the service ticket put in for the morning room outlets, since it's all electrician related.

So lots of our stuff was fixed, but we still need to have some things fixed.  I'm a little irritated that service tickets have been put in, but I still haven't been contacted about anything.  Not. One. Thing.  Our second PM contacted me last week about getting the paperwork filled out and back to him so it could be filed.  I talked to him again today about things that weren't done yet.  He wasn't aware of the emailed stuff, as I hadn't included him on it {and to be fair, he hasn't really had a ton to do with our house or building, so I didn't include him on my emails}.  So I emailed him a list of what still wasn't fixed.  He was going to make sure service tickets were put in for each of them and then get back to me.  So still needing to be fixed:

  1. Grout fill in:  The parts that are darker than the main grout color... we need someone to come back out and fill that in for us.
  2. Cold water knob on master tub:  The plumber took my number and said he was ordering a kit. I haven't heard back for this at all. 
  3. Loft Window:  replacement window apparently ordered.  Once window comes in, installation company will be in touch with me to schedule installation.
  4. Master Shower Door sticking:  PM said that he would need to contact shower door people to come out.  Not sure this was ever done, so second PM was notified of this one today.
  5. Morning Room Outlets not working.  STILL haven't heard anything on this.  I am a little irritated at this one as our PM called this one in while standing IN MY KITCHEN.  So nearly 2 weeks later and they haven't reached out to me yet.
Nothing major, like I said.  Just little things.  Big thing is is that it's all documented so if we have issues later, it's all on paper.  

One surprise that we DID have was that they installed a little 3x3 concrete slab at the end of the deck stairs, along with some solar LED lights.  We noticed that 2 new builds around us had these neat little slabs, and were kind of upset that we didn't have them.  I wasn't going to make a huge deal out of it, because it's just a little slab.  Well, the handyman put on in while he did all of our other fixes outside. I was super excited to get one, haha!

That's the only picture y'all get for now! I have lots more from all of our projects around the house... but I'm saving those photos for those posts, haha!!

I'm gonna try to get some more posts in soon with all of our projects!! We are LOVING this house and love being in it!  The dogs love all the space they have to run, their yard, and all their new friends.  Our neighborhood is awesome and we have met so many awesome people already! 


  1. Yay! What a great update. Need more pics!

  2. Thanks for this update! Sounds like being a homeowner is as much an adventure as being a home builder! Enjoy it all!

  3. Who hoo! I can't believe we both have already had our 30 day stuff done. Where does the time go?! I can't wait to see more pics :)
