Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Our First House Project!

We had quite the busy weekend at the house this past weekend!

Friday brought lots of people in and out of the house, since I was off of work.  I made time to have everyone come over and do things that needed to be done.

Our loft window got replaced (the original was cracked).

Guardian came over and set up the home security system.

We had a handyman come out and repair some damage that had been done by the movers.  This included some dings in the trim of a doorway, as well as some scratches on the hardwood.

And house projects!

We have a Facebook group for our neighborhood, which is kinda awesome.  They plan events, give away things they no longer need, and are just generally all around helpful and nice!  Well, we posted asking if anyone had information on someone that could hang our cabinets for the TV stand that we have, as well as potentially putting up ceiling fans for us.  A couple of super nice guys from the neighborhood volunteered to do the fans for us!  Best part? When we asked them about "payment", they said that they could be paid in Budweiser and Miller Lite!

So Saturday while I was at work, these 2 guys came over and put up 4 ceiling fans for us as well as a light fixture in our morning room! I had every intention of trying to do the fans myself, but after seeing all of the assembly, and ladder climbing and drills and screwdriver-ing.... I am so thankful that these guys came and helped us out!  They also got to see the house and have big plans for the unfinished parts of our basement, haha!!!!

And on to our project!  We painted the garage walls over the past weekend!  We primed them on Saturday and then painted them grey on Sunday.

I have a huge issue with unfinished garage walls.  It just looks messy.  I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does!  So we have been discussing for a while (while our house was being built) about painting the garage walls.

Well let me tell you!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!  It makes the garage look more like a room than a garage.  And I'll admit, that part is taking me a bit of getting used to, but whenever that garage door goes up or I walk into the garage, I love how it looks!  It's by no means perfect, and if you look close you can see some of the drywall tape still, or on the tops of the ceilings you can see where we didn't edge perfect...
But I love it.

Check it out:

moving all of the goodies and taping a few areas... The "before" shots.

Before Shot

Before Shot

Day 1: Primer

Day 1:  Primer

Day 1:  Primer

Day 2: Painting!  Painting walls isn't complete without a little love message before you cover the wall, right?!

Finished product!

Day 2: all finished painting!

Day 2;  All finished painting!

The finished product

The finished product

We got our paint from Home Depot.  We went with Behr Premium Plus Exterior Paint in  "Silverstone".
It is a Satin Finish.  We went with the Exterior paint bc it's kind of an "outside" space. 

Check out how awesome it looks with the cars!
I did get a couple of other small things done around the house.... We built a cabinet from IKEA for our bobble heads.... We only bought one for now because we wanted to make sure we liked it before we bought more... Well, I nearly swore it off (and did swear quite a bit) as this thing was a bear to put together... but we do love it and will be needing more for all of the bobbles we have!

A sampling of our bobbles.  We have more than this that still need to be unpacked!

The finished cabinet!  Its really nice, a great price, and although a pain to put together, we love the cabinet and will be getting more!

I also sealed our grout.  That project took a couple of hours, but I worked on it off and on so I didn't make my back sore or inhale too many fumes, haha!  A lot of people were shocked to know that Ryan Homes doesn't take care of this for us... I've known we would have to do it since our pre-construction meeting so I've kinda just had that "it is what it is" attitude about it.

It was super easy to seal the grout, and I'm proud it's done.  We picked up the grout sealer from Lowe's when my daddy and granny were in town.  I have about 1/4 of a bottle left over, plus a second bottle because I wasn't sure how much it would take to seal the grout. We ONLY have tile in the master bath, so that made this job pretty easy too.

And here are a few other photos!  No more unpacking progress photos as that's pretty much just a work in progress and I definitely make more of a mess before it gets organized and cleaned up!

a friend at the front of our neighborhood.  There were 3 deer in total and she got a bit scared when she saw us.  We stopped and admired her and she eventually crossed the street safely.

Ceiling fan in the bedroom {in action}.  We bought Hunter fans from Menards.

The light fixture for the morning room.
a toilet paper holder for the half bath off of the family entry <3

Hubby mowing our yard for the first time.  Front yard where the sod is only..... 

We have a ton of other projects we want to tackle and have a small "schedule" of how we want to do things.

Weather permitting, we are going to epoxy the garage floor this weekend!  One of our neighbors across the street did his, and is super helpful and willing to give tips and pointers!  He also let us borrow his pressure washer {as well as other tools for the epoxy process} to get the garage floor nice and clean!  This was another idea we had while the house was still being built and we are super excited to start this!

If the weather is yuck, we are going to start painting some of the interior doors!  I'm nervous and excited about this project and can't wait for that pop of color!


  1. Crazy how that paint makes it look so much better in the garage! Would you mind posting a few pictures of your basement? I was just over at our home and they starting the framing the other day and I can't figure out the layout of the basement. It looks a bit different than what I had remembered. Not sure how the morning room factors in and what part of the basement it goes in. We only finished the main part of the basement. Thank you!! Hope everything is going well so far :)

    1. I sure will! It might be a day or two to get the post up, but I'll get some photos and post them! It really is a great space down there!

  2. Great to know about your first house project. I came to know from my friend about Dove mountain real estate providing excellent homes at awesome location with great interiors. My wife and kids also liked this so I am planning to buy home there.

  3. "Wow – looks like both of you are enthusiastic and excited about the first few house projects and the future ones that will arise. I guess we will see how ecstatic you are after a few years lol.

    Jokes aside, the garage looks wonderful. It’s crazy to me how something as trivial as the color of a wall can totally change the feel and personality of a room. "

    Neville @ Electrical Experts
