Saturday, May 14, 2016

Progress Report: Week 3- FRAMING!!!

What an AMAZING week it has been for the house!!!! We actually HAVE a house! A real house!

So, the last thing that happened was our lumber was delivered.  That was on April 6th, Friday.

Here's a recap of what happened this week... along with photos!

Monday, April 9th:  Basement floors were poured.  We were curious to know if this was even going to happen because we got quite a bit of rain on Monday.  Well, we traveled out to the house and saw this:

They most definitely DID pour our basement floors! They had a make-shift like tarp over the top of the basement foundation so that it didn't get too wet.  We couldn't get any closer than this because it was SUPER muddy from all the rain.  So we had to admire from afar.

However, there was more excitement on the lot besides having our lumber hanging out, and basement floors poured:

Those would be our windows, doors, and staircases!  They looked so pretty just sitting there!

Tuesday, May 10:  Framing was started.  Again, lots of rain on Tuesday, so there wasn't much that had gotten done.  We even emailed our PM to ask if they had started framing, because we didn't want to make that 25 minute drive if nothing had been done.
But, our PM said that they had gotten started, but it was slow and work was intermittent with the rain.

So, we went to check it out!  They were able to start the flooring of the first floor.  Not a whole heck of a lot, but hey!  It had gotten started and we were excited to see something done!

Wednesday, May 11:  This was an exciting day! The entire first floor had been framed!
View from the driveway!! Garage is on the left, Front porch is on the right.  Lots of wood still hanging out ready to be framed.

Left side of the house (Garage side)

Back left!  You can see the morning room from here, and the basement "exercise room" below it!

Morning Room!

Walk out basement door opening!  Living room is above it!

Front Porch!

SELFIE!! In front of our garage!

Thursday, May 12: Weather was uh-may-zing on Thursday!  Well, until we went out to see the progress of the framing.  It decided to POUR when we got there... So no walking around for us, and just viewing from the street....They were able to get the second floor framed though, as well as some of the roof!! It was incredible turning the corner and seeing a nearly FULL house sitting in front of us!  

From the driveway.  Isn't it glorious?!

Right side view

Left side view-- this is actually from the street before you turn onto our street. Eventually, we will have a neighbor on this corner lot.

Friday, May 13:  They finished up the roof today and had wrapped the majority of the house. Windows had been installed.  The garage had been framed the rest of the way, and the porch has also been finished framing, and has the makings of a roof on it too.  The workers were all still there when we visited on Friday.

From the driveway!  Look at that gorgeous blue sky!

view from the right side.

view from the left side

Dry enough to walk all the way around! Back view of the house!

Took a peek inside the basement!  It's pretty wet, but we noticed our basement stairs had been installed!!!!!

Saturday, May 14:  We ventured out today to go see our SR and chat for a few minutes.  She wasn't there (she took the day off)... But we also wanted to see if there was anything else that had been done with the house.  We had gotten an email from our PM on Friday saying that our shingles would be delivered on Monday, and the roofers would be out Tuesday or Wednesday for that.  Also, they'd start rough mechanics once the shingles were done.

No one was working when we went out there.  But, it was dry so we took a couple minutes and walked around and just admired our home. OUR home that wasn't there a week ago.  Our home that was nothing more than a hole 2 weeks ago, and an empty lot 3 weeks ago.  It's so amazing!

view from the driveway.  No workers today so you can see the house in all it's glory.  One of the upstairs windows is broken :-(

I got adventurous and walked into the basement.  It's super wet in there, but I walked to our basement stairs and looked up.  This is what I saw.  It's so very intimidating and amazing all at the same time.  I just adore everything about this photo.
Kinda hoping this isn't the only set of the blueprints for the house.  I had a couple concerns here..  One, look at them all messy and jumbled.  Two, they're just LAYING in the garage.  Three:  They're wet.  I kinda wanted to just take them.  But seriously, I really hope this isn't the only set of prints for the house. 

And there ya have it!  This time last week, we had the start of a basement with the foundation and plumbing.  This week?  There's a whole house standing there!  I am so so so so so happy that we drove out every day, even in the rain, to see the progress of framing.  It went up so quickly and was so awesome to see!!!

Can't wait to actually be able to walk around inside and see things.  We have admired from the edge of the garage and we know exactly where everything is when we look at the house.  But I can't wait to walk in and see each and every part for myself!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! I can't believe in a matter of like, 4 days we have a complete house sitting on what was once a plot of land!!

  2. Yay!!! See how fast it goes!?!? Love the progress, keep the updates coming!

    1. It went SOOOO fast!!!! And I love love love our house!

  3. This was my favorite part of the whole thing!! Once you get to this point, things definitely start to move faster!

    1. I LOVED this part!! I am glad to hear that it moves faster from here though, I am so worried things are gonna come to a screeching halt and seem to drag, lol!!
